c l e a r - s i g h t e d n e s s. ☆

ɥʇlıɟ puɐ pıoʌ ɟo ʎɹʇǝod


instagram main

the rei manifesto

who am i ?

im just a dude lol

what is my name ?

my given name is Jakub. but, well i have decided to have a stage name because my own is not much international. its pronounciation is quite specific for polish. and i don't really like or associate with other abbreaviations of my given name so. yea. and choosing a one just felt so cool... and now i have time to brag on what is it, and why i've chosen it haha... i'm a genius hands down.

it is R E I !

it comes from japanese. i reffered to myself as Rei when i wrote or thought in japanese. it just so happened. rei can be written as many ideograms, among which there are ones i particulary like, f.e: 霊  - a ghost, a spectre 令 - a command 零  - zero 冷 - coolness, cold

in english phonetically it sounds like "a ray" which can either mean an animal or a beam of light. both are cool, i like them.in polish it doesn't mean anything really. there was a guy names Mikołaj Rej, but that's it.

in german it doesn't sound like anything either, however if pronounced in accordance to german rules it would sound like "Rai" which is a word for heaven in many slavic languages. that's silly too.

in latin, rei translates to "a thing". very neutral and alien sounding, i like it.

so it is Rei. spelled however one likes. i haven't come up with any compelling surname for this alias tho. i thought of 'yasnovidz' because it would represent the slavic origin of mine, but it sounds strange in polish. it has too much of serious esoteric connotation. but it can be read as experimental and ironic, too. for me it meant a wordplay on "clarity of thought" or "clarity of seeing" which is something i contemplate upon often. then it is contrasted with an old, rather irrational sounding word that means "a clairvoyant".

s t o r i e s ☄. *. ⋆

ż a r n o w i e c - story set on the baltic coast in the 70s, in communist Poland. scout Makary Serafimowicz attends volounteer summer work camp. [redacted] construction of poland's first nuclear plant continues accordinlgy as planned.

works in progress ☆☆☆

ɥʇlıɟ puɐ pıoʌ ɟo ʎɹʇǝod

poetry samples ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  


not to be seen as a ultimate truths, but as operative principles upon which percieving one's actions will bring a positive impact into one's life, equiping with motivation and peace of heart at times needed. To iterate them at shortest would be:
  1. There exists only what really happened.
  2. Things exist because they can be differentiated from others. Things exist through differentiation - and world is in unity. All at once, undifferiated is both Everything and Void.
  3. Humans are one of animal species equiped with complex perception mechanisms. Intelligence, instinct and willpower are all means of perception. They're its enhancements.
  4. All humans are born equal.